Public Participation

Public participation is a critical part of the SMP Periodic Update process. The City of Moses Lake is committed to providing an open and inclusive public participation process with ample opportunities to inform and involve key stakeholders and the community throughout the update process. The Public Participation Plan for this update can be found on the Resources page.

This website serves as a project portal to help keep you informed and engaged throughout the update process. To stay up to date on project milestones and events, please feel free to leave a comment on our Contact page.


We look forward to your participation in our Shoreline Master Program survey! The City of Moses Lake is looking for input from citizens, organizations, and other interested parties as we begin the process of updating our SMP. Your input is very important to the process, and the results of this survey will help guide our SMP update.


Public Participation Goals

The goals of this public participation process are as follows:

  • Provide interested parties with timely information, an understanding of the process, and multiple opportunities to review and comment on the proposed amendments to the SMP.

  • Develop and distribute an online survey to solicit shoreline information and gain a better understanding of concerns.

  • Actively solicit information from citizens, property owners, businesses and other stakeholders about their concerns, questions, and priorities for the Periodic Review process.

  • Encourage interested parties to informally review and comment on proposed changes to the proposed SMP throughout the process and provide those comments to decision makers.

  • Provide forums for formal public input at project milestones prior to decision-making by local officials.

  • Consult and consider recommendations from neighboring jurisdictions, federal and state agencies, and local Tribes.