Shoreline Master Plan
Periodic Update

What is the Moses Lake Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update?

State law currently requires agencies to periodically review and update their local Shoreline Master Program (SMP) regulations and plans. The City of Moses Lake is initiating this process in 2021 to be completed in 2023, as mandated by state laws for all jurisdictions in Grant County.

The City of Moses Lake’s SMP consists of local land use policies and regulations that guide development on and use of the City shorelines. These regulations apply to both public and private uses for the shorelines of Moses Lake, associated wetlands, and floodplains. The City of Moses Lake SMP protect natural resources for future generations, provides for public access to public waters and shores, and plans for water-dependent uses. The SMP must be consistent with the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) and must be approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology.